Showing items 1 to 15 of 16
Acidri, J., Machuki, H., Seaman J., (2018) Report on a livelihood study in Homa Bay County, Kenya using the Household Economy Approach (HEA) Evidence for Development Working Paper: 10 DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5113445 This report summarises the findings of a survey of household economy conducted in part of Homa Bay County, Kenya and includes a description […]
Seaman, J.A., Acridri, J., Machuki , H., (2016) Report on a pilot study in Mukono District, Uganda, using the Household Economy Approach (HEA) Evidence for Development Working Paper 6 DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5113323 This report gives an initial summary of the findings of a survey of household economy conducted in part of Mukono District, Uganda.
Acidri, J., (2015) Scoping Study: Livelihoods around Lake Wamala (Mityana District) and Lake Victoria (Mukono District) Evidence for Development Working Paper 5 DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5113298 This report in selected sites around Lake Wamala and Lake Victoria provided initial contextual information for more detailed household economy studies, carried out as part of the HyCRISTAL (Integrating Hydro-Climate […]
At the HyCRISTAL AGM in Kampala last month, climate change researchers were talking about 40-year horizons, where we did an exercise in small groups to each imagine the consequences of one of a list of possible scenarios. We were given our scenario and asked to work back to what we would have to do now, […]
Some of you may have seen this piece on the BBC about “How missing weather data is a ‘life and death’ issue”. It’s about tech start-up Kukua, and the weather stations they have installed in Tanzania to help provide local commercial farmers with better forecasts. Kukua is a business with a rather unusual business model: […]
Just over a year ago the UK Department for International Development (DfID), with the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) launched its ‘Future Climate for Africa’ (FCFA) project. This £20 million project, involving five research consortia, aims to “generate fundamentally new climate science focused on Africa, and to ensure that this science has an impact on […]
The household economy approach (HEA) is a method for assessing the vulnerability of rural populations to economic shocks and changes, based on their livelihood patterns and market information. It is now widely used as a method of famine early warning by many governments and humanitarian agencies, and also has important applications for managing the impacts […]
As mobile data collection in remote regions and developing countries becomes more viable for development organisations, the robustness of the methodologies used must be considered in relation to the goal of evidence-based development. Expanded possibilities According to the UN International Telecommunication Union, “by the end of 2014, 55% of all mobile-broadband subscriptions are expected to […]
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This baseline livelihoods zoning and wealth ranking exercise examines the livelihood systems in Mbala and Luwingu districts, Northern Province of Zambia. The assessments describe how a livelihood functions during a normal year, thereby providing a base with which to compare and measure any new threats to the population’s food security, as well as to inform recovery and development programming and policy.