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  • Small baby in Tigray, Ethiopia

    3rd June 2014

    by Peter Poore

    Maternal healthcare in the post-MDGs era: outputs are not always outcomes

    The current Millennium Development Goals are coming to an end in 2015 and a new framework is being developed. Have the previous goals relating to improving maternal health actually been achieved, and are the reported improvements being experienced by individuals on the ground? Or does the new framework perhaps need a different focus when it […]

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  • 10th February 2014

    by Naomi Leach

    Climate change mitigation needs to be based on good information

    As the international community grapples with the problem of climate change and its impact on agriculture, food security and poverty alleviation, the economic consequences for smallholder farmers need to be better understood and documented. Unless we are able to analyse and predict more precisely the ways in which both climate change and assistance programmes will […]

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  • Stella carrying out IHM research in Malawi

    2nd December 2013

    by Naomi Leach

    Evidence for Development’s BIG GIVE Christmas Challenge!

    Very exciting news! Evidence for Development have been nominated by the Reed Foundation to take part in this year’s Big Give. This means that any donation you make to EfD between Thursday 5th – Saturday 7th December should be DOUBLED! EfD aims to raise enough money to fund two promising students to study on key Master’s courses in Uganda, helping to build local expertise to fight poverty […]

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