30th November 2018
Livelihoods focus group in Uganda
Evidence for Development is delighted be involved as a research and training partner in an important new project: NIMFRU – National-scale Impact-based forecasting of Flood Risk in Uganda. This multi-agency project is engaging with researchers, national policy makers, district councils and local farmers to improve understanding of the livelihood impacts of flooding and the targeting, relevance and communications of flood warning and response.
EfD will be leading work which integrates livelihoods monitoring into NIMFRU. This work supports the use of the Household Economy Approach (HEA) in Uganda’s national planning system and is designed to demonstrate the way in which HEA can be used, together with downscaled seasonal weather information, to provide more accurate data for both disaster prevention and social protection. Individual Household Methodology (IHM) and HEA studies will be carried out as a core part of the project.
NIMFRU is funded through a Catalyst Grant from DfID and NERC, with other partners including the Walker Institute, local academic partners from Gulu University, the Uganda National Meteorological Authority (UNMA), the National Emergency Coordination and Operations Centre (NECOC) and the Uganda Red Cross Climate Centre.
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