HEA and IHM online training: ALiVE I and ALiVE II

28th February 2022

Despite the prolonged periods in 2020 and 2021 when travel to Uganda was not possible, Evidence for Development pressed ahead with the planned HEA and IHM training of trainers, funded through an extension to the HyCRISTAL project, HyCX. Covid restrictions meant transforming these planned ‘in person’ training events to a remote learning experience, delivered on the Walker Academy platform in partnership with the University of Reading’s Walker Institute.

Savings on travel due to pandemic restrictions meant we were able to invest time and resources into the development of training materials, and there is now a comprehensive set of videos that take learners step by step through our OHEA and OIHM software.

Dr Celia Petty said: “We delivered the ALiVE Level I Foundation Course in February 2021  and the ALiVE Level II in February 2022. It was especially rewarding to see so many of the Gulu University participants from 2021 completing the second stage and now ready to embark on field-based training.

“Whilst remote workshops will never fully replace face to face interactions, we have shown how much can be done to keep students engaged, using quizzes, screen sharing and 1 to 1 mentoring in break out rooms.”

Comments from participants in the end of the recent training evaluation were positive, and included:

I would rate it highly. Very competent trainers and the combination course materials you could study on your own as well as the group meetings.”

“Very interactive and supportive, I rate it as excellent



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